

まさかの8月5日引き続いて、8月8日のナガサキの日でもテクニカル・ディフィカルティに直面してしまいました。💦 …ヒロシマの日と同じ間違いがないうように、インターネットを安定させ、パソコンもいろんなエクステンションを外し、重いビデオ画像は外付けの方にいれ、なるべく軽くして、ビデオも事前にテストしたので、8月8日は絶対大丈夫と思っていたのですが、まさかのナイトメアNightmare!!!😱… 10人の’定員人数に近づいてからにフリーズが始まり、操縦不能になり、また返り咲いては落ちていくと言うパターンを繰り返すことになろうとは!… 最終的には、長崎の実況中継も終わり、諸宗教の祈念も終わった時点で、司会者を残して、みんなに退出をお願いし、今回、お見せできなかったビデオを一斉に流しました。その時は、事前テストのようにスムーズにが画像も音質も良いもので、ゲストの皆さまの映像をやっとまともに見せることができました。どの映像も心のこもった、すばらしいものばかりですので、是非、Youtube, facebook の方で見てもらえればと思います(特に最後の一時間)。
では、以下のビデオをお楽しみ下さい。そしてお知り合いも皆様に平和の大切を知っていただく上でも是非、以下のビデオをシェアし、もしよければ、TK Dharma Channel の方でもこれまらも平和に関するビデオなどもアップしていきたいと思っていますので、チャネル登録をお願いできればありがたく思います。

0:00 Welcome – MC: Yoshiko Nakamura 0:02:30 Opening Remarks: Rev. Dr. T. K. Nakagaki, President of the Heiwa Peace and Reconciliation Foundation of New York 0:06 Peace Lights; Kenka Flower Offering (Hiroshima); Photos of Nagasaki 0:10 Interfaith Peace Prayer 0:11 Bhante Kondanna (Buddhism) 0:13:30 Dr. Kazuko Tatsumura (Shintoism) 0:17 Guru Dileepkumar Thankkapan (Hindu) 0:20 Rosemarie Pace (Christianity) 0:23:30 Rabbi Margarette F. Klein (Judaism) 0:27 Imam Muhammed Shahidullah (Islam) 0:29 Minister Onlielove Alston 0:35 Explanation of the bell ringing 0:36:36 Peace bell ringing at 7:15pm exact moment of the first A-bombing to Hiroshima (8:15AM on August 9 in Japan) 0:38 Connecting Hiroshima – Rev. Kenjo Omori (Translated by Rev. TK Nakagaki) 0:44 Sharing A-bomb Experience – Tomiko Morimoto West 0:51 Hiroshima Mayor Matsui’ Peace Decoration read by Mitchie Takeuchi, Chairperson of the NY Hiroshima-kai 0:59:00 Nagasaki Mayor Tomihisa Taue’s message 1:03 A-bomb Exhibit and Peace Art (sung by Lulla LayLa) 1:08 Brooklyn Interdenominational Choir 1:13 Keynote Address by Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury 1:28 Guest speaker: Hanee Khalid (Pakistan) 1:40 Introducing supporting organization and donors with peace message 1:43 Music Performance :Toshiko Akiyoshi & Lew Tabackin 1:53 Movie Review “The Vow from Peace” 1:56 Music Performance by Shinji Harada 2:07 Greeting from Buddhist Council of New York: James Lynch 2:10 Greeting from Japanese American Association of NY: Koji Sato 2:13 Greeting from the Tiara Group: Aise Rino 2:15 Closing Word and Prayer: Rev. Dr. TK Nakagaki 2:26 Extra: Message from Hiroshima read by Rev. Dr. TK Nakagaki

Schedule: Hosted by Rev. T. Kenjitsu Nakagaki, President of the Heiwa Peace and Reconciliation Foundation of NY and Ms. Chris Davey, Treasurer of the Heiwa Peace and Reconciliation Foundation of NY. 0:11:00 Mari Maeda at Nagasaki Peace Park for the annual ceremony with interview with Hibakusha survivor and students. 0:23:00 Reona Ito, Conductor. 0:27:00 Petrichor performance. 0:33:00 Migiwa Miyajima, jazz pianist and composer. (Broadcast was interrupted due to technical difficulties. Full version at 4:11) 0:40:00 Nobu Kimoto from Nagasaki Kenjin-kai, Batten-kai reading message from Nagasaki Mayor Tomihisa Taue. 0:45:00 Tak Furumoto from Hiroshima-kai reading message from Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui. 0:47:00 Mitchie Takauchi reading part of Hiroshima Peace Declaration. (Broadcast was interrupted due to technical difficulties. Full version at 3:46) 0:50:25 Mari Maeda in Nagasaki at Urakami Cathedral. 0:54:00 Migiwa Miyajima, performance. (Broadcast was interrupted due to technical difficulties. Full version at 4:11) 1:00 Keynote Speech by Monica Willard, United Religions Initiative. 1:15 Hibakusha survivor Tomiko Morimoto West (Broadcast was interrupted due to technical difficulties. Full version at 3:24) 1:19 Shinji Harada, Japanese recording artist (Broadcast was interrupted due to technical difficulties. Full version at 3:36 and 3:08) 1:34 Ven. Refa Shi, Vice President of the Buddhist Council of New York 1:41 Rev. Peter Cook, Executive Director of NY State Council of Churches. 1:44 Pete Rogina, Project Peace Lights. (Jewish presentative) 1:48 Dr. Remi Alapo, Institute for Peace and Leadership. (African Indigenous tradition) 1:55 Livestream of Nagasaki Peace Ceremony at Nagasaki Peace Park. 2:10 Brooklyn Denominational Choir. 2:13 Dr. Kazuko Tatsumura, Shinto Priest. 2:19 Guruji Dileepkumar Thankappan, Interfiath Minister, New Light Temple. 2:23 Rosemary Pace, Pax Christi. 2:25 Prayers and remarks by Reverend T.K. Nakagaki. 2:41 Art and Panel exhibit. Music by Kouji Kinoshita and Lulla Layla. 2:45 Origami Therapy Association/Toshiko Kobayashi. 2:49 Taisan Tanaka, artist. 2:51 Molly Ackerman, artist. 2:53 Natsuko Hattori, artist. 2:58:30 Carletta Joy Walker, poet. 3:05 Kenka photo exhibit from Hiroshima. 3:08 Greeting and performance from Shinji Harada, Recording artist and Hiroshima Peace Ambassador, and chior. (full) 3:19 Thank you to donors. 3:24 Talk by Tomiko Morimoto West, Hibakusha survivor from Hiroshima. 3:36 Second performance by Shinji Harada. (full) 3:41 Koji Sato, Japanese American Association of New York. (Nikkei Jinkai) 3:43 Rino Aise, Tiara Group. 3:46 Mitchie Takeuchi, Hiroshima-kai, reading the Hiroshima Peace Declaration. 3:54 Brooklyn Denominational Choir. 4:02 Blessing by Rev. Nakagaki. 4:05 Interfaith service from Nagasaki Religious Council with Mari Maeda. 4:11 Performance by Migiwa Miyajima. 4:18:30 Closing remarks by Reverend Nakagaki
This event is organized by the Heiwa Peace and Reconciliation Foundation of New York (President: Rev. Dr. TK Nakagaki), and supported by the Buddhist Council of New York, the Gaia Holistic Foundation, the Global Movement for The Culture of Peace (GMCoP) , the Interfaith Center of New York, Interfaith Center of USA, the New York Board of Rabbis, the New York State Council of Churches, the NPO Gentle Earth, the Origami Therapy Association, the Pax Christi New York State, the Project Peace Light, the Tiara Group, the United Religions Initiative (URI), and the World Yoga Community.

Nagasaki Day Interfaith Peace Commemoration on August 8 (New York) / August 9 (Japan)