Profiles of performers and materials on the devastation of Hiroshima immediately after the atomic bombing
Profiles of performers
【Mebius (メビウス)】
広島県出身。岡田真実(左:Mami)、岡田賀江(右:Norie) による姉妹デュオ。
2007年、第1回Yahoo!ミュージック オーディション「WHOʻS NEXT?」で約3000曲のエントリーのなかからグランプリを獲得し、2008年、ユニバーサルミュージックより「夢のカケラ」でメジャーデビュー。
2018年7月、西日本を襲った豪雨により、二人の地元 熊野町でも沢山の犠牲者を出した。広島を少しでも元気にしたい、この災害を忘れてはいけないという思いから、復興応援ソング「フレフレのうた」を広島の小学生と収録しリリース。収益金の一部を広島県に届けている。
今年、5月に広島で開催された「G7広島サミット」のPR動画の歌をMebiusが担当。「Amazing Grace」を歌っている。
Born in Hiroshima prefecture. She is a sister duo consisting of Okada Mami (left: Mami) and Okada Yoshie (right: Norie).
In 2007, she won the Grand Prix out of about 3,000 entries at the 1st Yahoo! Music audition “WHO’S NEXT?” debut.
She has released more than 30 commercial songs and program theme songs, such as “# 33”, which has been used as the appearance song for JTB, Hiroshima Toyota, and Ryosuke Kikuchi of Hiroshima Toyo Carp, including the CM of JA Kyosairen Hiroshima. is singing by hand.
In July 2018, heavy rains hit western Japan, causing many casualties in their hometown of Kumano. Wanting to revitalize Hiroshima even a little, and not forgetting this disaster, she recorded and released her reconstruction support song “Furefre no Uta” with elementary school students in Hiroshima. A portion of her earnings is delivered to Hiroshima Prefecture.
Mebius was in charge of the song for the PR video of the “G7 Hiroshima Summit” held in Hiroshima in May this year. She sings “Amazing Grace.”
Their singing voices have spread from Hiroshima to all over the country.
In 2009, Hisae made her independent debut as “HISAE” with the CD album entitled RENBO. Fans are fascinated by her soothing angelic voice and her lyrics-focused songs. She performed solo live at Billboard Osaka in 2017 and Ginza Yamaha Hall in 2019 with great success, impressing audiences with her unique style and voice. Hisae has released a number of works that capture various emotional tones, including songs that express the darker side of humanity. Her songs have a unique way to intimately connect with her listeners. Her representative song INORI (prayer) is a song that conveys the need for prayer in midst of the contradictions and unpleasant news in the world. During the Covid pandemic, Hisae used her artistic sensibility to create and launch a music video distributed for free on the platform TwitCasting, and it continues to deliver laughter and healing to listeners every Thursday from 9pm. Currently based in Osaka, Hisae is active in Nagoya, Tokyo, and Yokohama.
【原田真二】Shinji Harada
1977年10月、18才で「てぃーんず ぶるーす」でデビュー。「キャンディ」「シャドー・ボクサー」と3ヵ月連続でシングルを発売。 3枚全てが同時に数々のチャートでベスト10入りし、ファースト・アルバム「Feel Happy」はオリコン初の初登場1位を獲得するという日本音楽史上初の快挙を成し遂げる。
2013年9月ニューヨーク国連本部・国際平和会議High level forum on the culture of peaceにて演奏。 国連ハイレベル国際会議において歌唱演奏した、世界最初のアーティストとなる。
In October 1977, at the age of 18, he made his debut with the song, “Teen’s Blues”. He released “Candy” and “Shadow Boxer” in three consecutive months. All three singles reached the top 10 on numerous charts at the same time, and his first album “Feel Happy” became the first album in Japanese music history to reach No. 1 on the Oricon chart.
In 2000, he started “Chinju no Mori Concert”, an environmental charity appealing for the improvement of the spiritual environment, and held concerts at shrines throughout Japan including Ise Jingu Shrine, Meiji Jingu Shrine, Izumo Taisha Shrine, and Itsukushima Shrine, and established a non-profit organization.
Performed at the High level forum on the culture of peace at the United Nations Headquarters in New York in September 2013. He became the first artist in the world to sing and perform at a high-level international conference of the United Nations.
He was born in Hiroshima, and every year on the anniversary of the atomic bombing, he holds a peace concert to spread his message of peacebuilding.
materials on the devastation of Hiroshima immediately after the atomic bombing